Lexi Dean, a longtime member of our Greater Monmouth Y (formerly Aquarockets) competitive swim team, is a shining example of the Y spirit. After the loss of her biggest fan to cancer in 2017, her loving mother Susan, Lexi channeled her sadness into activities that would support other young swimmers, and carry on a legacy of giving back and loving life that Susan shared with her. Lexi raised $600 and large donations of goggles, caps and youth competitive swim suits for other swimmers who need help. She also ran the Philly Run, Rock and Roll Half Marathon in loving memory of her mother.
Lexi’s dedication in giving back to others helped inspired our Togetherhood swim suit collections that continue to help families in need access swim suits and encourage a love of swimming and water safety.
Our Y has nurtured strong individuals and communities since 1874, transforming lives through youth development, healthy living and social responsibility. Learn more about the ways your support to our Annual Campaign opens our doors for all. > ymcanj.org/y-giving/annual-campaign