We believe all kids have potential and should have the opportunity to discover who they are, express themselves, and be nurtured in all their possibility. We provide programs in child care; education and leadership; swim, sports, and play; and camps that create safe, authentic, and positive relationships with well-trained and caring role models that teach life skills and values, regardless of program or activity. We demonstrate the positive impact we have on youth through program evaluation, organizational impact measurement, and data collection and reporting.


  • Youth Swimming
    The Y is the nation’s #1 swim instructor because progressive swim lessons are taught by caring, skilled staff who use a guided-discovery teaching approach in a positive environment. All kids learn to swim at their own pace and progress to the next level once they have mastered the current level.
  • Youth Sports & Enrichment Programs
    YMCA Youth Sports programs promote healthy kids, families and communities by placing a priority on family involvement, healthy competition, the value of participation over winning and team building. Parents are encouraged to be more than mere spectators by contributing their time as volunteer coaches and team parents as well as being their kid’s number one fan.
  • Camp
    Camping teaches self-reliance, a love for nature and the outdoors, and the development of attitudes and practices that build character and leadership—all amidst the fun of camp fires, archery, talent shows, and meaningful relationships.
  • Child Care
    Child care and early learning programs at the Y focus on holistically nurturing child development by providing a safe and healthy place to learn foundational skills, develop healthy, trusting relationships and build self-reliance through the Y values of caring, honesty, respect and responsibility.
  • Kidsafe
  • Teen Programs