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So far CC YMCA has created 32 blog entries.

One Day at a Time


Nick Rosamilia, a participant in the Y’s Counseling & Social Services Intensive Outpatient Program, Recovery Group, and Bayshore Family Success Center’s Parenting Course, looks back and sees an entirely different person than he is today. After the loss of his identical twin and years of drug abuse, Nick embraced the Y’s self-help process to [...]

One Day at a Time2024-02-14T14:59:59-05:00

In Good Hands, In the Great Outdoors


“The YMCA isn’t just a camp. It’s more like a family.” Kory Soto works full time in health care, and needs to rely on year-round child care that transitions her daughter who has a significant learning disability, between school and camp smoothly, while also supporting her emotional and developmental needs. She was in a [...]

In Good Hands, In the Great Outdoors2024-01-27T19:51:35-05:00
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